Brands in Second Life — Why They Came why they Leave? brands came in 2007 the likes of Reuters, BMW, Sony BMG and Ericcson, BigPond, Reebok, Vodafone, IBM, ABC TV, Showtime, Pontiac, American Apparel, Virgin, Dell, NBC, Apple (unofficial), Sears, Circuit City and AOL. (see source)So why did the came:It is cool to see your branded store in 3D. You can allow your users to … Continue reading Brands in Second Life — Why They Came why they Leave?

JVWR: Real Virtual Worlds SOS (State of Standards) Q3-2008

In the latest issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds I had the opportunity to capture the essence of our work on standards for virtual worlds, why they are so important, and how we are going about it.The purpose of this think piece is to call for inputs for an emerging worldwide effort to develop … Continue reading JVWR: Real Virtual Worlds SOS (State of Standards) Q3-2008