I was invited to judge at the 2020 Accenture Case Competition for students – the biggest universities competition of the year. The competition is for students from all faculties if you are in your senior year of undergraduate or in the course of an MBA.
The final phase was held on January 12, 2020, at the Accenture office in Herzliya Pituach, Israel. During the senior management competition, Accenture serves as judges and choose the team with the most accurate and smartest business solution. Besides press releases, the competition participants are granted a practical educational experience in the industry and a well-known competition that can be noted in the resume. In addition, during the day of the competition, the Human Resources department will be present and locate potential candidates for actual work in the global society. Competition winners will also win the iPad.
More details: https://www.accenture.com/il-en/careers/annual-case-competition