I quote from Christian Renaud’s Weblog
On September 23rd, the Eduverse Foundation will be hosting a pre-Picnic event Symposium 3. Looking at the intersections between Serious Gaming, Virtual Education, Web3D Technology and Social Networking, the event looks certain to be worthy successor to June’s Symposium 2 event.
For those of you who are not familiar with Eduverse, it is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting virtual spaces for educational uses. On their blog, they list six over-arching goals of their mission:
1. To promote Virtual Education and detail the Virtual Paradigm
2. To set standards for what should and should not be done in virtual space
3. To create tools and interfaces to help facilitate virtual education
4. To explore and promote technologies which can be leveraged to aid virtual education
5. To create test cases to justify our claims and act as templates for future research
6. To promote Science and Scientific Research in virtual environments
I will give a short talk about the latest trends in Virtual Worlds (using my own perspective — of course). Other speakers include Chuck Hamilton, Philip Rosedale, and Julian Lombardi, and Christian Renaud.
Ohh Update: As we were listening to the talk… someone started to create fire balls and almost burned us. Lucky for us one smart builder protected us by adding a net… wow I feel good.
Robert Talking…