Nov 13, USA time (post from original) -367
Nov 15, 23:00 Israel Time: -608
Nov 21, 19:36 Israel Time: -1025
Nov 25, 21:43 Israel Time: -1420
Dec 9, 18:51 Israel Time: -1977 (this is the final number for November 2008).
OMG OMG OMG… I am really unhappy today. Wagner James Au from the blog New Worlds Notes is reporting that Second Life is loosing private islands.To those unfamiliar with these statistics, Linden has added 1045 island in October, and dropped -367 island in November (and this is Month to date! – and we are in the middle of the month.
See Linden Page.
There is a lot on anger in the community around land pricing + the economy is taking its toll on Second Life. People and organizations do not even bother re-selling their island. They are simply dropping it. If it continues — we will probably see this item go away from the official stats pages.
This is — yet another — call for action for Linden. I hope — and pray — they will listen.
“You have something very good… don’t kill it.”
And Google Lively is about to close… http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=10944
(though Lively was never a complete 3D virtual world platform)
Yes… as part of the the real “right sizing” we see right sizing in the virtual worlds. Less islands on one hand in SL; and less core competing technologies — thinking about WHY Google has stopped Lively is a worth while effort. I hope to find a bit of time to do it and post about it.