Dr Yesha / Prof Yesha

A new online advanced course (Hebrew): “From Traffic-Lights to Rainbow: Tools and Case Studies


This advanced course is based on my academic course given for over 10 years on MBA, EMBA, and executive training programs at leading universities such as Tel Aviv University, the Technion, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong.

The current version has been adapted for integrated learning (synchronous and asynchronous) for the Israeli market and will be conducted in Hebrew.

The course is comprised of Theory, Practice, and peer-learning.

Theory: Six 3-hour academic sessions in which we will review advanced models for business-technological leadership in the era of the three normals:

🚦 Traffic Light: Ready, set; go! Act…
😡 The Red Track: Avoiding failures
🌊 Digital Blue Ocean: Design processes, products, and services
🚴‍♂️The Orange Mind Bike: openness, focus, control
💚 The Green Route: Ensure success
🌈 Rainbow: Supertrends in Digital

Practice: Case studies in which theory meets reality. Leading lecturers from the following organizations:

Peer learning: Self-learning and group-learning with over 300 items of knowledge, case studies, and videos, featuring (among others):

More details and Registration.

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