Dr Yesha / Prof Yesha

The Consulting Track – A Career in Digital Transformation Consulting

In essence, digital transformation is the process of increasing the ability of the organization to utilize the digital medium for its own purposes. A digital transformation is a profound process of analyzing and adapting the business model, work processes, and organizational culture to a development and innovation strategy. The process relates to the development of technology and the competitive environment in a circular and ongoing manner. Creating new business opportunities, creating competitive differentiation, and harnessing the digital power of the organization to deal with possible futures are its purposes.

To successfully lead a digital transformation in an organization, one needs to have a deep understanding of:

Which organizations need digital transformation?

Every organization or a unit within an organization set up before the digital force became central to our personal and business lives (such as banks, insurance companies, service providers, industry, security, governments, municipal authorities, etc.) must undergo a digital transformation process. It is not enough for the organization to adopt new technologies and use them in its day-to-day activities. It must verify that the entire process is assimilated and practiced throughout the organization.

What does a digital transformation consultant do?

To be a digital transformation consultant means to professionally guide management, in the overall process of digital transformation:

What is the difference between an internal and external consultant?

The internal consulting is done by a senior manager within the organization, who is familiar with the digital world. A manager who can call the management for action, and lead the internal organizational process.

The external consulting is done by an expert in digital transformation who has been invited by the management to assist in leading the process. The nature of the organization, the managing team, and the organizational culture will determine whether internal or external consulting is needed.

What is the training track of the Technion and DigitalRash?

We offer a track consisting of three digital leadership courses by The Technion and DigitalRosh that provide:

The courses in the consulting track are:

1. DLC150 – base course for self-learning + certificate

The basic course “Harness the Digital Force” to meet the world of Digital Leadership, its essence in the business world, and the ways to implement it.

Registration & self-learning. Monthly certification test.
Coming dates: May 22nd, 2022, and 12 Jun 2022

Price: NIS 1,280
Details & Registration

2. DLC145 – Core course in guided learning + certificate

Advanced course “Tools and Case Studies” for in-depth learning following the core topics discussed in the basic course. Expands and imparts practical tools for managing the digital transformation process.

Starts: May 25, 2022. Registration: Now

Price: NIS 3,340 upon registration to the full track
(instead of NIS 4,900)

More details (Hebrew)

3. DLC146 – Core course in guided learning + certificate

The advanced course “Leading the Organizational Transformation” deals with the process itself according to the model Ready, Set; Go! Operate…

Starts: Aug 3rd, 2022. Registration to start soon.

Price: NIS 3,340 upon registration to the full track
(instead of NIS 4,900)

More details (Hebrew)

Who is the track for?

Managers with at least 10 years of experience and deep knowledge of the organization who want to strengthen their knowledge of both the digital transformation and the consulting processes.

Consultants and IT persons who want to strengthen their knowledge of digital transformation, including its business and managerial aspects.

Experienced managers looking for a new career, internal or external, in a most required and challenging field.

Bonus: An invitation to DigitalRosh Live events 0 Tuesdays 18:00-19:00

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