One of my colleagues have send me the "State of the Twittersphere June 2009" report.The report from HubSpot is a short 8 page, number-packed, report on Twitter.Key findings about users:- 25% have bio (75% do not!)- 31% have location (70% not!) (and location is just a text field)- 20% have home page (80% not)- 45% … Continue reading Reflecting on a New Report on the Twittersphre
Category: X (Twitter)
Simple Trick to follow @yourself on Twitter Using RSS
Quick intro (skip if you know what is Twitter). So Twitter is making everyone crazy. I know. I'm not sure exactly why. But it seems to create a new medium betweeb email, chat, and IM... One of the interesting things I wanted to do is to follow who is quating @yesha.So here is a simple … Continue reading Simple Trick to follow @yourself on Twitter Using RSS