Register today and received an additional JVWR 10% discount when you use promo code GMNVE875512UX1Z.GPU Technology Conference (GTC), San Jose Conference CenterMarch 18-21, 2013San Jose, CA, USAGTC is the place to learn about and share how advances in GPU technology help scientists, developers, graphic artists, designers, researchers, engineers, and IT managers tackle their day-to-day graphics and computational challenges. … Continue reading March 18-21, 2013: GPU Technology Conference (GTC) – San Jose Conference Center, CA
Category: Uncategorized
WIX Hackathon: March 7-9 2013 Call for developers to make money
Wix, is a power house, in the web ecosystem. Via Wix, over 30 million sites were created. and Wix -- if you did not know -- is an Israeli company. I had the great pleasure to visit last week.This year, Wix has gone the next step, and has created an the Wix app market where 3rd parties … Continue reading WIX Hackathon: March 7-9 2013 Call for developers to make money
Augmented Reality at ICIS 2012 – Teaser
1. Download String™ AR Showcase app for iPhone/iPad.2. Point the camera at this image:3. Look around & inside. Don’t be afraid.4. Come to “AR@ICIS2012” Augmented Reality in Information Systems: Setting a Research Agenda.December 16, 2012 08:30 AM – 12:00 PM Orlando Marriott World Center, Room: Crystal-N &