A good tip from Second Life... as to how to record a voice conversation.See full post here.One of the best rules of learning is: if you find something useful, share it. Teaching someone else not only enlightens them, it also improves your memory!* I keep getting asked by fellow Lindens and Residents about how to … Continue reading Record Second Life Chat + voice
Category: Yesha’s Tools
Airplane Tracking in Second Life
http://youtube.com/v/BMH2-rCkz3YThis is a technical demonstration -- and lots of fun....This video show's how real-time aircraft tracking data can be used to drive a 3D display of aircraft in Second Life. The system uses fboweb.com's KMZ feed for Google Earth, with all SL functionality being developed by Daden Limited.
The Look of 50,000 on-line users
This is a visual picture of 50,000 users currently on second life.Left is general map, and right is local map for Metaverse Islands.(each green do is one user, most dots overlap).