Old Masters Picture Gallery Dresden @ Second Life

My friends at Anshe Chung Studios have just finished the first FULL scale gallery in second life.
An amazing achievement. 1-on-1 copy of the real Dresden gallery. This is what the web site says:

It is a logical next step in this history of the use of media by the museum that we should take on the challenge of the 3-D web. For the first time it is even possible to convey a sense of the exhibition space, which is an essential aspect of any museum visit. How users will react to this technology is as yet unknown. We are particularly interested to know how this new offer is used, and what users think could be done to develop it further. The virtual version of the Old Masters Picture Gallery is being supervised and scientifically monitored by the Institut fuer Kommunikationswissenschaft at Dresden University of Technology under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Hagen.

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