MPEG-V step #2: A Call for Technology Proposal for Standards in Virtual Worlds

Here’s an update on MPEG-V – our efforts to create standards for virtual worlds and real worlds (as you may recall I’m involved in Metaverse1 which is one of the leading forces behind MPEG-V).

Here is our time table:

Step Status Due Date Description
1 Done 2008/10/17 Final version of Requirements / Call for Proposals
2 Now 2009/01/28 Proposals due
3 Future 2009/02/01 Evaluation of proposals (in an Ad Hoc Group meeting)
4 Future 2009/02/06 First draft of MPEG-V WD
5 Future 2009/04 Working Draft
6 Future 2009/10 Committee Draft
7 Future 2010/01 Final Committee Draft
8 Future 2010/07 Final Draft International Standard
9 Future 2010/10 International Standard

MPEG, a working group in ISO/IEC, has produced many important standards (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, and MPEG-21). MPEG feels that it is important to standardize intermediate formats and protocols for “Information exchange with Virtual Worlds”, MPEG-V in the areas of “Data representations between virtual worlds” and “Data representations between virtual worlds and the physical world”.

The intended standard for ‘Information exchange with Virtual Worlds’ will adders these areas (see also the illustration below):

• Area1: Data representation between virtual worlds and the physical world
• Area2: Data representation between virtual worlds
• Area3: Real world data representation

The standard will be based on an overall architecture that can be instantiated for all the foreseeable combinations of virtual worlds and real world deployment

MPEG has produces “MPEG-V Requirements Version 3”. Based on these requirements MPEG would like to be informed about technologies that satisfy them.
All parties that believe they have relevant technologies for MPEG-V are invited to submit these technologies for consideration by MPEG.

Parties do not necessarily have to be MPEG members. The review of these requirements is planned in the context of the 87th MPEG meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland. Please contact Joern Ostermann ([email protected]) for details on attending this meeting if you are not an MPEG delegate. The submissions shall be received by the 28th of January, 2009 23.59 hours GMT, by Joern Ostermann, chair of the MPEG Requirements sub-Group, ([email protected]) who will upload all proposals both by MPEG and non MPEG members to the MPEG site after the submission deadline.

You should read all the details of the call for MPEG-V Call for Proposals.
And you can also access the current “MPEG-V Requirements Version 3.”

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