Journal of Virtual Worlds Research: Volume 4, Number 1: Metaverse Assembled 2.0

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Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
We are happy to announce the publication of:
Volume 4, Number 1: Metaverse Assembled 2.0
The editorial team for this issue includes:
  • Kathy Keeling, University of Manchester, UK
  • Nadia Papamichail, University of Manchester, UK
  • Debbie Keeling, University of Manchester, UK
  • Enchi (Katherine) Chang, University of Manchester, UK
This issue include papers from SLACTIONS 2010 organized by Kathy Keeling and her colleagues at the University of Manchester.  
The issue also marks the Journal’s move to a new website, it is a minor visual change, and a major infrastructure change that will provide a foundation for the Journal to continue to grow over the next couple years.
Articles include:
  • Alrayes:(“Students’ Attitudes in a Virtual Environment – SecondLife”) takes a methodical approach to measure student’s attitudes towards learning with virtual worlds. If you are planning to teach in Second Life (or other virtual worlds) you should review this paper to gauge some critical parameters. 
  • Silva & Coelho (“Procedural Modeling for Realistic Virtual Worlds Development”) review the PG3D modeler, a solution for procedural modeling of virtual urban environments. This is a good technical intro to the field of Procedural Modeling in virtual worlds.
  • Cruz & Fernandes (“Journalism in Virtual World”) cover the interaction of an old business and a new domain. The authors ask hard questions about Journalism when it comes to reporting on events that are partially real and partially imaginary.
  • Gilbert (“The P.R.O.S.E. (Psychological Research on Synthetic Environments) Project: Conducting In-World Psychological Research on 3D Virtual Worlds”) describe the interaction between Psychology and virtual worlds. This is both a review on PROSE project and a review of some of the studies conduced since 2008.
  • Sung, Moon, Kang, and Lin (” Actual Self vs. Avatar Self: The Effect of Online Social Situation on Self-Expression”) explore the relation between the owner and its avatar. It starts with this research employs the Big Five Inventory (BFI) and its 44 personality traits to examine the level of agreement between individuals’ actual selves (i.e., evaluation of themselves) and avatar selves. 
  • Tonéis (“Puzzles as a Creative Form of Play in Metavers”) explores the relationship between the logical-mathematical reasoning developed through the existence and experience in the puzzles into metaverse and creativity or creative thinking. This paper reflects on the unique value of virtual worlds in generating environments that stimulate the mind in new ways.
  • Nosek, Whelen, Hughes, Porcher, and Davidson (“Self-Esteem in Second Life: An inWorld Group Intervention for Women with Disabilities”) discuss self-esteem enhancement intervention in Second Life  for women with physical disabilities. With a concrete goal in mind, the authors adapted a curriculum of a previously tested workshop intervention to include features unique to virtual environment. Results of the beta test were very positive. Intriguing paper to any person looking to use virtual worlds for treatments.
Let me also use this email to remind you that of the following call for Guest Editors, Associated Editors, and ReviewersIf you are interested in suggesting themes for 2011-2013, or joining our editorial team please send an initial proposal to Dr. Yesha Sivan (yesha.sivan
Dr.Yesha Y. Sivan
Managing Editor
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Metaverse Assembled 2.0
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