we looked for ages. Ability to play you-tube in second life. Now that You-Tube supports MP4 you can stream them directly to Second life. Mega cool. Ahhh the power of standards.
Category: Uncategorized
Call for requirements: ISO MPEG-V (mpeg for virtual worlds) Deadline: July 16, 2008
My dear friend, J.H.A. (Jean) Gelissen from Philips continues to work on MPEG-V. This is the major official (read: global) work on establishing standards. Most of you are aware of my "push" for global standards (see Five dimensions of standards, and the metaverse1 project)I fear that the virtual worlds industry, will end up like the … Continue reading Call for requirements: ISO MPEG-V (mpeg for virtual worlds) Deadline: July 16, 2008
Stephen Wiltshire: The Human Camera am often asked why 3D? Granted there is value to 1D, 2D, 2.5D. But basically our mind is designed to deal with 3D -- our productivity depends on that. This next movie demonstrates it.Stephen Wiltshire has been called the "Human Camera." In this short excerpt from the film Beautiful Minds: A Voyage into the … Continue reading Stephen Wiltshire: The Human Camera