Announcing the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a online, open access, peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary, academic journal, which engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. Web site: http://jvwr.orgA flyer is available to download: announcement on the Journal website is: Calls for Papers:1st edition’s theme: “Virtual Worlds Research: Past, Present & Future”Due date: June … Continue reading Announcing the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

Meet me at Virtual Worlds 2008, NYC Apr 3-4

This year seems to be a lot of new and old people in the big Apple.The focus this is: The Future of Media, Marketing and Entertainment Virtual Worlds 2008 is where leading media, consumer entertainment, youth brands and agencies come to understand how to monetize their intellectual property using virtual worlds. Entertainment brands and youth-oriented … Continue reading Meet me at Virtual Worlds 2008, NYC Apr 3-4