Monday 29, Nov, 2010 10:00am-12:00 Room 307, The Academic College. Using the Virtual to Research the Real I-ARPA (the US federal Advanced Research Projects Agency, Intelligence Bruch) has recently launched a call for proposals virtual worlds behavior research. "Starting from the premise that Real World (RW) characteristics are reflected in VW behavior, the IARPA Reynard … Continue reading The Academic College Seminar: Using the Virtual to Research the Real
Category: Uncategorized
Vote for the future of Virtual Worlds
I need your help to vote for my friend -- Ofir. My friend Ofir Leitner, has predeclared that In 2020 virtual and augmented realities will blend into the physical world, making our global village more connected and unified. People and businesses will be able to collaborate from great distances overcoming cultural and geographical barriers, thus entering the greatest … Continue reading Vote for the future of Virtual Worlds
Video: YouTube in 3D: New button added.
YouTube now has a special menu for 3D movies. Check it out. Video Sample Here (note: you may need to click on it and see it on YouTube to get the button).