Trouble viewing this email? Click here to view it online.SAVE THE DATE: Milan, Italy; 15 Dec. 2013 13:00-18:00 (Location: Bocconi University, TBD)JVWR ICIS2013 EventVia the Looking Glass: Milan, Italy. Sunday 15-Dec-2013.Time: 13:00-18:00Location: Bocconi University, TBDVIA THE LOOKING GLASS:Live Demo of Google Glass, Oculus Rift & Reflection on 3D3C WorldsAgenda:13:00-14:00 Gathering + Lunch Getting to know each other.14:00-14:30 Intro to Google Glass + Demo … Continue reading SAVE THE DATE: JVWR ICIS2013 Workshop "Via the Looking Glass" Milan, Italy, Sunday 15-Dec-2013
Category: Post by Orgs
Protect Yourself:The One Action U MUST do: 2-step verification in ALL major tools: Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Apple ID.
Adding 2-step verification to gmail is EASYIsrael is now being "attacked" (more liked being annoyed). One of the core challenges is stealing user passwords.(and yes, it can cause lots of demange -- if you are in the US see ask me a lot what to do. There is lots of advice out there... but people are often busy.So … Continue reading Protect Yourself:The One Action U MUST do: 2-step verification in ALL major tools: Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Apple ID.
Facebook Will Be a $500 Billion Firm in Less Than 10 Years…
OK, the headline is mine -- because I know $500B will travel well in Facebook (and Twitter).I originally published this in February 2012. Today (May 18, 2012) Facebook had the IPO.Anyway you look at it, Facebook IPO is a major success for the firm. I wish them the best.You ask why $500B? In short, because Facebook is the … Continue reading Facebook Will Be a $500 Billion Firm in Less Than 10 Years…