About: Following COVID-19 The world is accelerating - faster, more efficient, more frenetic, more scary. Thus, leadership in organizations requires digital leadership. Course sessions will include: The digital mindset in the new era, the digital power - The Basis for an innovation strategy, The technologies that drive change, digital-based business models, Five Types of digital-based … Continue reading Digital Leadership Course: Harness the Digital Power
Category: Yesha’s Projects
DigitalRosh Live events – The Butterfly series
The 2022 "DigitalRosh LIVE" series is the Butterfly Series: Leading Digital Maturity. In this series, we meet executives from a variety of companies - mature and young, digital immigrants and digital natives, in different degrees of digital maturity. With digital leadership and leaders, we examine how technology affects their areas of practice and how the … Continue reading DigitalRosh Live events – The Butterfly series
DigitalRosh Live events — The Chameleon series
“DigitalRash Live” is a special series of programs in the ZOOM webinar format (requires personal access), on Tuesdays from 18:00 to 19:00. Each series has a specific theme and focus.Editor-in-Chief: Jacob Eilon. In the program, DigitalRosh hosts executives from various companies and organizations in a format of a lecture followed by a discussion. The format … Continue reading DigitalRosh Live events — The Chameleon series