Sunday 2-Feb-2014: Prof. Sivan will lecture in London at Tel Aviv University Trust event

"University for A Day" - is the second in Tel Aviv University’s annual series of informative workshops that provide a glimpse of some of the most exciting research being conducted on our campus today.Click here for more detailsReserve your place today for a day of study with Tel Aviv University professors - a unique forum … Continue reading Sunday 2-Feb-2014: Prof. Sivan will lecture in London at Tel Aviv University Trust event

16-Jan-2014: Yesha talks in Hong Kong Polytechnic University about "Building a Venture Oriented Eco-System – a Call for New Leaders“

In this Round-table Discussion, in Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Institute for Entrepreneurship) will reveal building blocks of the Venture oriented Ecosystem Model with Israeli and global examples, and how Hong Kong can take the lesson from it.I will further examine how globalization changes the nature of venture and the fourfactors of the venture model along … Continue reading 16-Jan-2014: Yesha talks in Hong Kong Polytechnic University about "Building a Venture Oriented Eco-System – a Call for New Leaders“

JVWR ICIS2013 Workshop in Milan, Italy, 15 Dec. 2013 1st Call

SAVE THE DATE: Milan, Italy, 15 Dec. 2013 & 1st Call JVWR ICIS2013 Workshop Via the Looking Glass: Live Demo of Google Glass & Oculus Rift, and Reflection on 3D3C Worlds Part 1: Demos 30 Min Intro to Google Glass David Zakariaie, Google Glass Explorer. LA, CA USA In this presentation David who is one … Continue reading JVWR ICIS2013 Workshop in Milan, Italy, 15 Dec. 2013 1st Call