CfP: 3D3C Virtual Worlds — Topical Lantern Review — JVWR Special Issue and Workshop in Milan, Italy December 15, 2013
Yesha Y. Sivan, Metaverse-Labs and The Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo School of Management and Economics, Israel. Maged N. Kamel Boulos, University of Plymouth’s Health Informatics, Devon, UK. David Gefen, Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Abhishek Kathuria, Hong Kong University’s School of Business, Hong Kong, China.
* Lantern – see at the end of this call why we chose this image.
Note: First Deadline May 19, 2013 — Authors submit a proposed 2-page extended abstract or initial papers (see full deadlines schedule below.)
Motivation and Scope
The first thematic issue of our 7th year (next year) will focus on a literature review of 3D3C worlds according to specific topics. The issue will connect with our JVWR workshop in Milan, Italy, on December, 15 (as part of AIS ICIS 2013). (The issue will also be a base for a proposed book, where we will expand on this theme.)
For this issue, “topical review” means a review of corpus of knowledge on one aspect of virtual worlds. It can be a classic literature review, a more formal statistical meta-analysis or other forms suggested by authors.
For this issue, “3D3C Worlds” is defined as a combination of four factors:
- 3D as in three dimensional representation of worlds as seen in Google Earth, Augmented Reality, 3D printing and the like;
- Community as in the collection of people work, play and act together. Consider Facebook and Twitter as one example, and enhance it by the dynamics of World of Warcraft guilds;
- Creation is the ability to create new artifacts, as seen for example in Second Life or in Open Source movement;
- Commerce is the ability to harness these previous factors to gain monetary real value (consider Bitcoin, exchanges, etc.)
The issue will be combined of three sections: Applications, Technologies and Policies, each includes several papers:
- Applications: Medical, Commerce, Defense etc.
- Technologies: 3D, AR, Money, etc.
- Policies: Standards, Privacy, Taxation, Legal, etc.
We have initial submissions in the following topics:
- Collaboration
- Medicine
- Learning
- Taxation
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Defense related virtual worlds
- Relations and Love and virtual worlds
- Ambient Life
- Music and virtual worlds
- Virtual Worlds for Sales
- The state of GPU
- Measuring virtual worlds
- Sensors
- Robotics
- Virtual Worlds and mobile
- Virtual worlds and the web (HTML5)
- 3D Printing
- Economics and Virtual Worlds
- Privacy
- Avatar rights
- Legal rights
- Standards (open vs. close)
Submission Instructions
Interested authors should submit a two-page extended abstract by the deadline indicated below. Authors will then be invited to submit original scholarly papers of up to 7500 words including footnotes, references, and appendices. All submissions (abstracts and papers) should be made via the JVWR publishing system (see http://jvwresearch.org > About JVWR > For Authors). All submissions will be reviewed under our double open policyhttp://jvwresearch.org/index.php/2011-07-30-02-51-41/for-authors.
Accepted papers will be published in Volume 7, Number 2 (2014) of the Journal (subject to change).
Questions? email us to: info AT jvwresearch DOT org
More about JVWR
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (http://www.jvwresearch.org/) is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship. JVWR welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research. Virtual worlds ignite a continuously evolving area of study that spans multiple disciplines. The JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide range of creative and scholarly research.
Deadlines and Timeline
March 23, 2013 – Call published May 19, 2013 – Authors submit proposed extended abstract or initial papers June 3, 2013 – Editors make decisions about proposals August 4, 2013 – Authors submit full paper September 2, 2013 – Editors return review report and initial decision September 29, 2013 – Authors submit revised paper November 3, 2013 – Editors return final comments and decision December 15, 2013 – ICIS JVWR workshop (Milan, Italy) January 12, 2014 – Authors final submit, based on comments, directly to JVWR coordinator February 16, 2014 – Publication: Q1 2014
Connection with 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013)
 Authors with accepted and conditional accepted papers will be invited to the ICIS 2013 Milan workshop, where we will meet with the editors, fellow authors, and other JVWR community members.
p.s. Why Lantern?
The field of virtual worlds is vast, interconnected and expanding. In this issue, we take a review lantern and shed some light on some of the fields’ sides. Clearly, we will not cover everything. We will often see shadows and not the full image. Ultimately, we hope to encourage further exploring of the field.
More Information
We are also happy to let you know of the following:
- Our next issue Metaverse Assembled (2013),led by Leonel Morgado, UTAD – ECT, Portugal & Nelson Zagalo, University of Minho, Portugal will be published mid-April 2013.
- The 2012 Orlando Augmented Reality workshop was interesting and successful. Summary, presentations and pictures are available on our site, special page events.
- Check our web site’s special page on events in our field for updates.
- Review past issues on our website’s specialall issues cover view page.
- We welcome you to join our Facebook page ‘theJVWR‘
- Follow us @theJVWR on Twitter
- Subscribe to our mailing list (on the top left ofJVWR homepage at http://jvwresearch.org/).No spam guaranteed (max. one email per week.)Note: Subscribing to our mailing list is different from being a JVWR user. To become a JVWR user (editor, author, reviewer) please seeREGISTER on the right-hand menu of the homepage.
Spring is in the air with our best wishes for a Happy Easter to all.
Thankfully, Yesha Sivan Managing Editor, The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research Professor and Head of the Management Information System Program, Tel Aviv Academic College Founder, Metaverse-Labs Ltd. |